natural herbs
Elderberry Panax
Polyscias sambucifolia
Herb: Elderberry Panax
Latin name: Polyscias sambucifolia
Synonyms: Nothopanax sambucifolius, Panax sambucifolius, Tieghemopanax sambucifolius
Family: Araliaceae (Ginseng Family)
Description of the plant:
4.5 m(15 feet)
May toJune
Habitat of Elderberry Panax:
Wet and dry sclerophyll forests and the margins of rainforests.Other uses of the herb:
Fairly fast growing and tolerant of shearing, this species can be grown as a hedge. A gum similar to "gum arabic" (which is obtained from various Acacia species) is obtained from this plant. It is not wholly soluble. Wood - too soft and perishable to be of economic value.Propagation of Elderberry Panax:
Seed - sow spring in a greenhouse. When they are large enough to handle, prick the seedlings out into individual pots and grow them on in the greenhouse for at least their first winter. Plant them out into their permanent positions in late spring or early summer, after the last expected frosts. Consider giving the plants some protection from the cold for at least their first winter outdoors. Softwood cuttings in early summer root easily in a closed case. Leafless stem cuttings in the summer root easily in a closed case.Cultivation of the herb:
Wet and dry sclerophyll forests and the margins of rainforests.Medicinal use of Elderberry Panax:
None knownKnown hazards of Polyscias sambucifolia:
None knownPlant information taken from the Plants For A Future.