Herb latin name: Najas graminea

Family: Najadaceae (Pondweed Family)

Edible parts of Najas graminea:

Two reports say that the plant is edible but give no more details. The reports probably refer to the leaves.

Description of the plant:


Habitat of the herb:

Rice fields and ditches. Found in one pond in Britain that is warmed by industrial outflow.

Propagation of Najas graminea:

Seed - we have no information on this species but suggest sowing the seed in situ as soon as it is ripe if this is possible. Otherwise store the seed in water in a cool place and sow in situ in the spring.

Cultivation of the herb:

Rice fields and ditches. Found in one pond in Britain that is warmed by industrial outflow.

Medicinal use of Najas graminea:

None known

Known hazards of Najas graminea:

None known

Plant information taken from the Plants For A Future.